Description of the mission

You have to choose a typical recipe from the hosting country and have to prepare a meal. You have to record a video and take pictures during the cooking process. Using social media, hashtags and tagging other players, you have to show your results and challenge other students to cook a different typical recipe. You have to publish or share your video on social media (FB, Instagram, Youtube, Tik Tok).

Aim of the mission

Increase students awareness on foreign food culture.

Key Competence

Cultural awareness and expression

Instructions Type of answer
Choose your favourite recipe from the hosting country. Text
Get the ingredients and prepare this meal. During preparation you have to record a video or take pictures. Video/Pictures
Share the video on social media channels and challenge other students to cook another typical recipe. Link

Technical details

Time needed

Depends on the recipe chosen


Individual or in teamĀ 

Internet needed


Suitable Apps


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